
January 2025

Congratulations to Athira Anil Kumar for passing the qualifying exam!!
Congratulations to Nachammai Nachiappan for passing the qualifying exam!!
Aneisa will be working with our group for her master’s thesis. Welcome Aneisa!!

December 2024

All members of the FlexMeshed Lab celebrated Dr. Jiyuan Huang achieving his PhD degree

November 2024

Jiyuan Huang, Srushti Kulkarni, Jacob Lombardo, Aaditya Rajgor, Deepa Madan, “Scalable Thermoelectric Device and its Application as a Self-Sufficient Power Supply for Wearable Electronic Devices”, NASA ETD Poster session, UMBC

Jiyuan Huang passed his thesis defense and received his PhD degree. Congratulations Dr. Jiyuan Huang!!

October 2024

Jacob Lombardo, our undergraduate student gave an oral presentation, “High Performance Flexible and Scalable Thermoelectric Device and its Application as a Self-Sufficient Power Supply for Wearable Electronic Devices”, presenting author Jacob Lombardo, ECS PRiME 2024, October 6-11, 2024 – Honolulu, HI, USA

Dr Madan gave invited talk on A Flexible and Sustainable Gel Electrolyte Toward Safe Zn-MnO2 Alkaline Rechargeable Batteries” ECS PRiME 2024, October 6-11, 2024 – Honolulu, HI, USA

September 2024

Congratulations to Usman A. Khan for passing the qualifying exam!!
Congratulations to Srushti Kulkarni for passing the qualifying exam!!

August 2024

SCIART sponsored students presented their research work in UMBC URISE URCAD: Connor Kragh, Jacob Lombardo, Yaakov Meister, Vijay Madabushi, Deepa Madan, “Self-Sustaining Low Cost and Widely Available Energy and Sensing Devices for Use in Museum Environments”, UMBC, URISE Poster Session

Five high school students got research experience in PI’s lab in Summer 2024: Diego Salamanca, Vijay Madabushi, and Dhruv Chemmur from  Mount Hebron High School, Srijan Kyasa from Marriott Ridge High School, Aarav Mehta from Poolesville High School
Dhruv Chemmur, Mount Hebron High School student is currently working in our lab under mentor-mentee program 2024-2025
Dr. Madan and FlexiCharge received TEDCO P3 funding
FlexiCharge™: Flexible Thermoelectric Generator for Wearable Health Monitoring

June 2024

Jacob Lombardo received U-RISE funding to work on thermoelectric research in the group. Congratulations Jacob!!

Dr. Madan facilitated research TEG lab experience for three undergraduate students Connor Kragh, Yakov Meister, Jacob Lombardo fully funded by SCIART Summer 2024 project by Mellon Foundation

May 2024

Our Ph.D. student, Usman A. Khan presented a poster titled, “Synthesis and Characterization of a Biocompatible, and Flexible Solid-Electrolyte for Zn-MnO2 Batteries” for the 245th ECS Meeting in San Francisco, CA, U.S.A

Congratulations to Eunhwa Jang, Rohan B Ambade, Priyanshu Banerjee, L.D. Timmie Topoleski, & Deepa Madan,  for their paper “Stencil-Printed Scalable Radial Thermoelectric Device Using Sustainable Manufacturing Methods”, published in Sustainability

April 2024

Dr. Deepa Madan gave an invited talk on “High Performance Flexible and Scalable Thermoelectric Device and its Application as a Self-Sufficient Power Supply for Wearable Electronic Devices”, MRS Spring 2024 Conference, 22nd Apr – 26th Apr, 2024, Seattle Washington, USA.

Congratulations, Dharmateja Ganduri for successfully defending Masters’ Thesis on the Optimization of the Morphology of Solid Chitosan-based Electrolyte for ZnMnOAlkaline Rechargeable Batteries”

Our Research Group Featured in BWTECH News titled, Harnessing Human Energy to Power Wearable Devices, Apr 23, 2024

March 2024

Dr. Madan gave a seminar on “Bendable and Scalable Thermoelectric Device and its Application as a Self-Sufficient Power Supply for Wearable Electronic Devices”, Central Connecticut State University

February 2024

Our Ph.D. students, Jiyuan Huang and Srushti Kulkarni attended the SPIE Photonics Conference in San Francisco

Congratulations! Jiyuan Huang, for receiving GSA funding to work on his Ph.D. Dissertation

Dr. Madan gave invited talk in 48th International Conference and Expo on Advanced Ceramics and Composites, Daytona, Florida USA.

Congratulations to our “Thermoelectric Group” – Jiyuan Huang, Rohan B Ambade, Jacob Lombardo, Ben Brooks, Aswani Poosapati, Priyanshu Banerjee, Mortaza Saeidi-Javash, Yanliang Zhang, & Deepa Madan for their publication – “Energy density enhancement of scalable thermoelectric devices using a low thermal budget method with film thickness variation” – in the Journal of Applied Materials Today

January 2024

Dr. Madan received NSF I-Corps funding for customer discovery and finding product market fit for “Flexible Thermoelectric Devices for Wearable Applications”

Jiyuan Huang, Srushti Kulkrni, & Jacob Lombardo attended Consumer Electronics Show in Las Vegas

Jiyuan Huang, Srushti Kulkarni, Chris Ewing and Dr. Madan attended NSF I-Corps workshop from 17th Jan to 1st Mar 2024.

December 2023

Priyanshu Banerjee successfully earned his PhD Degree. Heartiest Congratulations Dr. Priyanshu Banerjee!!

November 2023

Prof. Mahendra Sunkara visited the FlexMeshed lab and presented a seminar on Hydrogen Regeneration

Dr. Deepa Madan served as a committee chair in Priyanshu Banerjee’s PhD Dissertation Committee. Congratulations Dr. Banerjee for passing the  dissertation defense!!

Dr. Deepa Madan served as a committee member in Jude Thaddeus Persia’s master thesis committee. Congratulations Jude for passing the thesis defense!!

Dr. Deepa Madan served as a committee member in Oscar Serena’s PhD dissertation committee. Congratulations Dr. Serena for passing the dissertation defense!!

Jiyuan Huang and Dr. Deepa Madan attended the PhD candidate ceremony. Congratulations Jay!!!

Dr. Deepa Madan attended CAREER Luncheon Ceremony organized by UMBC

October 2023

Prof. Neeraj Khare from IIT Delhi, visited FlexMeshed lab and presented his seminar on Thermoelectric devices

Dr. Deepa Madan chaired the “Battery – Na/Zn/Al/Ti” session during ECS 244th Session.

Dr. Deepa Madan presented her research (invited talk) on  A Sustainable and Reliable Electrolyte Toward Safe Zn-MnO2 Alkaline Rechargeable Batteries during 244th ECS Conference Sweden (8-12th Oct, 2023)

September 2023

Jiyuan Huang passed his Proposal Qualifying Exam and became a PhD candidate. Congratulations Jiyuan Huang!!

Diego Salamanca Murphy, Mount Hebron High school student joined Flexible TEG group under mentor-mentee one year program. Welcome Diego!!

Congratulations Dr. Deepa Madan for becoming Associate Professor at UMBC “Department of Mechanical Engineering”

August 2023

FlexMESHED Lab is excited to welcome our new graduate student members, Srushti Kulkarni, and Nachammai Nachiappan, to the team. Welcome, Srushti, and Nachammai!

July 2023

Dr. Deepa Madan presented “Flexible and scale TEGs” at the Meyerhof Summer Bridge Talk, University of Maryland, Baltimore County, MD (Jul 20, 2023)

June 2023

FlexMESHED Lab is excited to welcome a new graduate student member, Athira Anilkumar, to the team. Welcome, Athira!

Dr. Deepa Madan presented “Interfacial Engineering and Additive Printing of Scalable Thermoelectric using Low-Energy-Input Methods”, ICMAT Singapore Conference, 26th-30th June 2023, Singapore.

Let us welcome high school students Saba Aslam, Tarini Nagenalli, Monish Keerthi, and Archis Joshi for summer internship, 2023.

May 2023

Sanjay Singh Persad successfully defended his MS thesis on “Electrolytes suitable for rechargeable Zinc batteries” Congratulations Sanjay!

March 2023

Dr. Deepa Madan presented her research seminar on “Flexible Electronic Devices” in Carroll Community College as a STEM scholar guest speaker on 10th March 2023

Dr. Deepa Madan wins NSF CAREER Award Congratulations Dr. Madan!

Dr. Deepa Madan served as a committee member in Yared Amanuel’s thesis defense. Congratulations Dr. Amanuel for successfully defending your thesis!

Dr. Deepa Madan served as a committee member in Oscar Serna’s proposal defense. Congratulations Oscar for successfully defending your proposal!

February 2023

Dr. Deepa Madan presented a seminar on flexible and scalable TEGs at the Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore on the 21st of February.

Dr. Deepa Madan participated as a panelist at the annual Diversity Panel hosted by the Society of Hispanic Professionals Engineers (SHPE) on 23rd Feb 2023 during UMBC Engineers Week 2023.

Dr. Deepa Madan presented a seminar on Rechargeable Zinc Batteries in the Czech Republic on the 27th of February.

FlexMESHED Lab is excited to welcome two new Master’s student members to the team – Atul Saini and Dharmateja Ganduri. Welcome, Atul and Dharmateja!

LSAMP Scholar Nathaniel Welbeck is our new undergraduate intern for Spring 2023. Welcome, Nathaniel!

January 2023

FlexMESHED Lab is excited to welcome a new graduate student member, Usman Khan, to the team. Welcome, Usman!

FlexMESHED Lab organized a lab tour for students from Woodlawn High School.

At the 47th International Conference and Expo on Advanced Ceramics and Composites (ICACC2023)in Daytona Beach, Florida, Dr. Deepa Madan gave an invited lecture entitled “Scalable and Bendable Thermoelectric Device and its Application as a Self-Sufficient Power Supply for Wearable Electronic Devices“.

Dr. Deepa Madan was invited by J.C. Bose University of Science and Technology in India to give a talk on peer-reviewed journal research paper writing and publication. The session was well attended by the faculty and researchers of the University.

December 2022

FlexMESHED Lab student Malhar Patel is starting a new position with Redwood Materials in Sparks, Nevada. Congratulations, Malhar!

November 2022

Dr. Deepa Madan was invited to attend Woodlawn High School’s PLTW (Project Lead The Way) programadvisory committee meeting and candlelight ceremony.

Dr. Deepa Madan presented a seminar on “Flexible and safe Zinc alkaline solid-state rechargeable battery for wearable applications” at Drexel University.

Malhar Patel successfully defends his Master’s thesis. Congratulations, Malhar!

FlexMESHED Lab hosted a lab tour for UMBC’s S-STEM scholar cohorts from the Mechanical Engineering Department

October 2022

FlexMESHED Lab hosted a lab tour for prospective undergraduate students who were joined by their parents.

FlexMESHED Lab hosted a lab tour for STEM scholar cohorts of Carroll Community College

September 2022

Dr. Deepa Madan has been awarded a TEDCO MII Technology Assessment award. Congratulations, Dr. Madan!

Dr. Deepa Madan has been recognized by UMBC for her contribution to the NSF-funded Louis Stokes Alliances for Minority Participation (LSAMP) program. Congratulations, Dr. Madan!

August 2022

Dr. Deepa Madan is featured in a recent U.S. News article about UMBC’s efforts to promote gender equality in the STEM fields. Congratulations, Dr. Madan! 

July 2022

Dr. Deepa Madan’s research on rechargeable batteries has been included in the “Women in Materials Science” virtual issue of Advanced Materials journal. Congratulations, Dr. Madan!

UMBC CWIT Scholar Adah Harding has joined the FlexMESHED lab. Welcome, Adah!

June 2022

Ben Brooks is our new undergraduate summer intern. Welcome, Ben!

May 2022

FlexMESHED lab alum Micah Thorpe has been selected for the Ph.D. program in Mechanical Engineering at the University of Michigan. Congratulations, Micah!

Malhar Patel secures an internship at the Underwriters Laboratories Fire Safety Research Institute (FSRI). Congratulations, Malhar!

Priyanshu Banerjee is a recipient of the Jessica Soto-Perez Memorial Award. Congratulations, Priyanshu!

Priyanshu Banerjee successfully defends his dissertation proposal and has now advanced to Ph.D. candidacy. Congratulations, Priyanshu!

April 2022

Dr. Aswani Poosapati’s research on bendable zinc-based batteries is published in the latest issue of Small journal. Congratulations, Dr. Poosapati!

Priyanshu Banerjee passed his Ph.D. qualifying examination. Congratulations, Priyanshu!

March 2022

FlexMESHED Lab’s research on bendable zinc-based batteries is featured in a recent UMBC News article.

Priyanshu Banerjee is the Graduate Student of the Week for the second week of October.

January 2022

Jiyuan Huang passed his Ph.D. qualifying examination. Congratulations, Jiyuan!

November 2021

Priyanshu Banerjee’s research on printable thermoelectric films and devices is published in the latest issue of Nano Energy journal. Congratulations, Priyanshu!

October 2021

Dr. Aswani Poosapati presents her research abstract on bendable zinc-based batteries in the Fall 2021 session of ECS Meeting Abstracts. Congratulations Dr. Poosapati!

August 2021

Priyanshu Banerjee is hired as an adjunct faculty at Howard Community College for Fall 2021. Congratulations, Priyanshu!

July 2021

Dr. Eunhwa Jang’s research on high-performance planar thermoelectric devices is published in the latest issue of Applied Energy journal. Congratulations, Dr. Jang!

June 2021

Berchie Kubi, Luana Rojas, and Yafet Mebrahtu are our new undergraduate summer interns. Welcome, Berchie, Luana, and Yafet!

April 2021

Dr. Aswani Poosapati’s research on bendable zinc-based batteries is published in the latest issue of ACS Applied Energy Materials journal. Congratulations, Dr. Poosapati!

Dr. Aswani Poosapati’s research on chitosan-based polymer gel as an electrolyte for bendable zinc-based batteries is published in the latest issue of the Journal of Applied Polymer Science. Congratulations, Dr. Poosapati!

February 2021

Priyanshu Banerjee’s research on printable thermoelectric films and devices is published in the latest issue of Journal of Electronic Materials. Congratulations, Priyanshu!

November 2020

Aswani Poosapati successfully defended her doctoral dissertation. Congratulations, Dr. Poosapati!

June 2020

Eunhwa Jang successfully defended her doctoral dissertation. Congratulations, Dr. Jang!

Jarod Mendoza-Tingem and Tamia Bowers are our new undergraduate summer interns. Welcome, Jarod and Tamia!

March 2020

Eunhwa Jang’s research on high-performance planar thermoelectric devices is published in the latest issue of Electronics journal. Congratulations, Eunhwa!